Established over 40 years, Harewood Dental Surgery is a Private and NHS Dental Practice based in Surrey, offering a wide range of Preventative, Cosmetic & Restorative Dental treatments.
- Kills up to 99.99% Viruses & Bacteria
- Instantly attacks new contaminants brought in
- Cleans both the Air & Surfaces
- No filters required
- Purifies all the air simultaneously
- Eliminates unpleasant chemical Odours & VOCs
In response to the COVID19 Pandemic Harewood Dental Surgery needed to find a solution to help provide protection and reassurance for their staff and patients against the threat of infection from Coronavirus and other harmful pathogens.
They had researched other air purification systems, but they did not clean surfaces or offer continuous instant protection against contaminants brought in to the Surgery.

Our Sales and Support Team worked closely with the Surgery to design an Air Purification Solution that met their needs. Incorporating the latest technology, the Airius PureAir Series was specified for installation in each of their Dental Theatres and patient waiting room.
The units were simple to install over the course of 1 day and now provide the client with safe, clean air, eliminating up to 99.99% of all harmful Viruses, Germs & Bacteria.
Since installation Harewood Dental Surgery have reopened and the results have been fantastic. Not only are the staff happy that they are protected with the latest in air purification technology, but patients are also reassured by the fresh purifying aroma from the PureAir system’s active cleaning agents in the air:
- Kills up to 99.99% Viruses, Germs & Bacteria
- Cleans both the Air & Surfaces
- Purifies all air in the space at the same time
- Instantly attacks new contaminants brought in
- No filters required
- Eliminates unpleasant chemical Odours & VOCs

How does the PureAir Series PHI Cell kill bacteria and viruses in the air and on surfaces?
The PureAir Photohydroionisation (PHI) Cell, manufactured by RGF Environmental, one of the worlds leading specialists in air, water and food purification, is a kind of UV light that emits advanced oxidation plasma. Included as part of a fan system, the PHI cell distributes hydro-peroxides, superoxide ions and hydroxide ions throughout the space, neutralising 99% of micro-organisms in the air and on surfaces.
PHI cells produce a group of oxidants known as hydroperoxides. Far from new to our world, hydroperoxides have been around for 3.5 billion years – and today they are commonly used in food processing environments, where they offer an anti-microbial treatment without leaving chemical residues.

Choosing an Airius PureAir Series destratification fan with its integrated PHI Cell is a simple way to reduce bacteria, viruses and odours in your environment.
- Continuous air purification benefiting air and surfaces
- Easy to install in any environment
- Kills more than 99% of bacteria and viruses
- Reduces odours by over 99%
- Reduces gases, vapours and VOCs by over 80%
Multiple studies have been conducted on Airius PureAir Series PHI Cell technology and they are widely approved for use to control airborne and surface-based bacteria, viruses, smoke and odours.
- Approved by the USDA, FSIS and FDA for use in food processing plants
- US military approved for use in field hospitals
- Chinese government approved for use in controlling the SARS virus

Testing carried out by:
- Kansas State University
- Midwest Research Institute
- NELAP Accredited Independent Labs – The NELAC Institute
- California Microbiology Center
- IBR Laboratories
- University of Florida
- United States Air Force
- R&D Labs
- University of Cincinnati
- Kane Regional Hospital
- NEI-Chinese Government
Airius fans are commonly used to balance temperatures in a wide variety of environments – from care homes to warehouses.
Adding an Airius PureAir Series destratification fan is a simple way to continually clean the air, creating a safer and healthier environment for your residents, colleagues and visitors..